Hey, welcome to this website. If you were some how direct this website thanks for coming. This website is all about-
- Viruses
- Bacteria
- Vaccines
- The Theories of Disease
- The Flu
- The Common Cold
- How to Prevent becoming Sick
I hope that it is helpful and that it contains all the information you need. The learning targets of this website are-
- I can properly use the side bar to navagate the website.
- I can locate the need information from within the text.
- I can identify and explain the different theories of disease.
- I can explain to someone else what viruses and bacteria are.
- I can compare and contrast bacteria and viruses.
- I can I can identify and explain key facts about the common cold and the flu.
- I can compare and contrast the common cold and the flu.
Thanks for visting the website and I hope you enjoy it. : )